

Apoptosis is an evolutionarily conserved process for the elimination of redundant, damaged, or dangerous cells. Two main pathways of apoptosis are extrinsic and intrinsic as well as the perforin/granzyme pathway. The intrinsic pathway is activated by cellular stress and governed by Bcl-2 family. The extrinsic pathway is stimulated by death receptor ligation. Another perforin/granzyme pathway is initiated by cytotoxic granules released by CTLs (cytotoxic T-cells) and NK (natural killer) cells. Each pathway triggers the activation of caspase cascade and the following proteolysis of various proteins. arigo offers quality antibodies to facilitate apoptosis research.


- Product highlight -

- Apoptosis marker-

Caspase-3 (cleaved) antibody (ARG57512)

PARP (cleaved) antibody (ARG20041)

- Bax/Bcl-2 ratio -

Apoptosis Marker Antibody Duo (Bax, Bcl-2) (ARG30268)

- Cytotoxicity -

Granzyme B ELISA Kit (ARG80171)
Sensitivity: 30 pg/ml
Sample: Serum, plasma, cell culture sup.

Perforin ELISA Kit (ARG80173)
Sensitivity: 20 pg/ml
Sample: Serum, plasma, cell culture sup.


- Bcl-2 family -

Bcl-2 family proteins act as a gatekeeper to the intrinsic apoptosis. The members either inhibit or promote apoptosis, and regulate mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization.

● Anti-apoptotic
Product  Clonality Reactivity Application Cat. No.
Bcl-2 antibody Rabbit pAb Hu, Ms, Rat ICC/IF, IHC-P, WB ARG55188
Bcl-2 pSer70 antibody Rabbit pAb Hu WB ARG54723
Bcl-XL antibody [7B2.5] Mouse mAb Hu, Ms, Rat, Mk ELISA, FACS, ICC/IF, IHC-P, IP, WB ARG21414
Bcl-XL antibody Rabbit pAb Hu, Ms, Rat FACS, ICC/IF, IHC-P, IP, WB ARG40576
MCL1 antibody Rabbit pAb Hu FACS, IHC-P, WB ARG55381
Bcl-2A1 antibody Rabbit pAb Hu, Ms IHC-P, WB ARG58291
Bcl-W antibody Rabbit pAb Hu FACS, IHC-P, WB ARG58302


● Pro-apoptotic
Product  Clonality Reactivity Application Cat. No.
Bad antibody Rabbit pAb Hu, Ms, Rat FACS, ICC/IF, IHC-P, IP, WB ARG40585
Bad pSer112 antibody Rabbit pAb Hu, Ms, Rat IP, WB ARG40593
Bax antibody [6A7] Mouse mAb Hu, Ms, Bv, Mk FACS, ICC/IF, IHC-Fr, IHC-P, IP, Neut, WB ARG22306
Bax antibody [SQab1736] Rabbit mAb Hu, Ms, Rat FACS, IHC-P, IP, WB ARG66247
Bak antibody Rabbit pAb Hu, Ms, Hm IHC-P, WB ARG62367
Bcl-XS antibody Rabbit pAb Hu, Rat IHC-P, WB ARG40561
Bid antibody Rabbit pAb Hu IHC-P, WB ARG65625
Bik antibody Rabbit pAb Hu, Ms, Rat FACS, IHC-P, WB ARG58313
BIM antibody Rabbit pAb Hu ICC/IF, WB ARG54406
BNIP3 antibody Rabbit pAb Hu, Ms, Rat ICC/IF, IHC-P, WB ARG58336
NOXA antibody Rabbit pAb Hu, Ms, Rat ICC/IF, IHC-P, WB ARG56838
PUMA antibody Rabbit pAb Hu, Ms, Rat FACS, ICC/IF, IHC-P, WB ARG57486


- MOMP -

Product  Clonality Reactivity Application Cat. No.
AIF antibody Rabbit pAb Hu, Ms, Rat ICC/IF, IHC, WB ARG54380
EndoG antibody Rabbit pAb Hu, Ms, Rat ICC/IF, IHC, WB ARG54437
Arts antibody Rabbit pAb Hu IHC, WB ARG54433
HtrA2 / Omi antibody Rabbit pAb Hu, Ms, Rat IHC-P, IP, WB ARG57915
Smac / Diablo antibody Rabbit pAb Hu, Ms, Rat ELISA, ICC/IF, IHC, IP, WB ARG54653


- Caspase cascade -

●  Caspase
Product  Clonality Reactivity Application Cat. No.
Caspase-2 antibody Rabbit pAb Hu, Ms, Rat WB ARG41624
Caspase-3 antibody [SQab1876] Rabbit mAb Hu FACS, ICC/IF, IP, WB ARG66328
Caspase-3 (cleaved) antibody Rabbit pAb Hu IHC-P, WB ARG57512
Caspase-6 antibody Rabbit pAb Hu, Ms, Rat ICC/IF, IHC-P, IP, WB ARG41654
Caspase-7 antibody Rabbit pAb Hu, Ms, Rat ELISA, IHC-P, WB ARG55181
Caspase-8 antibody Rabbit pAb Hu, Ms, Rat ICC/IF, IHC-P, WB ARG57632
Caspase-9 antibody Mouse mAb Hu, Ms, Rat WB ARG54155
Caspase-9 (cleaved) antibody Rabbit pAb Hu IP, WB ARG20048
Caspase-10 antibody Rabbit pAb Hu FACS, IHC-P, IP, WB ARG58052
Caspase-12 antibody Rabbit pAb Hu, Ms, Rat ELISA, ICC/IF, IHC, WB ARG55177


● Apoptosome & PARP
Product  Clonality Reactivity Application Cat. No.
APAF1 antibody Rabbit pAb Hu IHC, WB ARG54332
Cytochrome C antibody [7H8.2C12] Mouse mAb Hu, Ms, Rat, Dm, Dog, Hrs, Pgn, frg FACS, ICC/IF, IHC-P, WB ARG56070
Cytochrome C antibody Rabbit pAb Hu, Ms, Rat ICC/IF, IHC-P, IP, WB ARG41657
PARP (cleaved) antibody Rabbit pAb Hu IHC, WB ARG20041


- Granzyme & Perforin -

Product  Clonality Reactivity Application Cat. No.
Granzyme A antibody [GA6] Mouse mAb Hu IHC-P, WB ARG22536
Granzyme B antibody [SQab1712] Rabbit mAb Hu IHC-P ARG65858
Perforin antibody [B-D48] Mouse mAb Hu ELISA, FACS, IHC-Fr, WB ARG23362


Read more
Programmed cell death 


Flyer of Bcl-2 Family
Poster of Cell death