Angiogenic Marker Multiplex ELISA Kits are launched

Angiogenic Marker Multiplex ELISA Kits are launched

Angiogenesis is the process by which new blood vessels are formed from pre-existing blood vessels. It normally occurs during embryonic development and wound healing, but it is also required for tumor growth and cancer metastasis. Angiogenesis is stimulated by angiogenic factors such as VEGF and bFGF. A better understanding the effect of angiogenic factors may reveal therapeutic targets for cancer or angiogenic diseases.

arigo offers two Angiogenic Marker Multiplex ELISA Kits which allow a concurrent measurement of four angiogenic markers in blood samples from human or mice. They are useful tools investigating angiogenesis non-invasively.



●  Concurrent measurement of 4 factors
●  Quantifying at pg/mL ranges
●  Single detection reagent
●  Regular ELISA process

ARG83510 for human

ARG83471 for mouse


Microvascular Density Antibody Panel (ARG30327)

Ideal to examine the process of angiogenesis in tumor tissues and xenograft model



▶  arigoPLEX® Multiplex ELISA Kits

multiplex ELISA kit



▶  Simplify ELISA analysis by GainData®

ELISA analysis

GainData® is an ELISA calculator developed by arigo to simplify ELISA data analysis. It is a free web service useful to analyze the result of ELISA kits and assay kits.
Try  GainData®  to analyze your data now.