Validating cytotoxicity of γδT cells in NSCLC

Validating cytotoxicity of γδT cells in NSCLC



arigo is proud to announce that CTL/NK activation multiplex ELISA kit (ARG83005) was referenced recently. Liu et al. investigated the molecular mechanism of γδT-cell immunotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer and used arigo’s multiplex ELISA kit to validate the cytotoxicity of γδT cells. The results were published in Oncogene.

arigo offers a series of multiplex ELISA kits to facilitate the validation of immune cell therapies.



Human CTL/NK Activation Multiplex ELISA Kit (ARG83005)

● Concurrent measurement of 4 factors
   - Cytotoxicity :  Granzyme B, Perforin
   CTL/NK activation : IFN-γ, TNF-α

● High sensitivity for quantification at pg/mL levels
● Works on serum, plasma, and cell culture supernatant
● Single detection reagent with regular ELISA process



Human γδ T Cell Multiplex ELISA Kit (ARG83110)

● Concurrent measurement of 4 factors
   - Anti-tumor effect : Granzyme B, IFN-γ
Pro-tumor effect : IL-17, IL-8

● High sensitivity for quantification at pg/mL levels
● Works on serum, plasma, and cell culture supernatant
● Single detection reagent with regular ELISA process


Human CAR-T/CRS Multiplex ELISA Kit (ARG82969)

● Concurrent measurement of 4 factors
   - CAR-T activation :  IL-2, IFN-γ
CRS : IL-6, IL-10

● High sensitivity for quantification at pg/mL levels
● Works on serum, plasma, and cell culture supernatant
● Single detection reagent with regular ELISA process


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  ●  Examining CTL/NK-mediated cytotoxicity by ELISA

  ●  Simplify ELISA analysis by GainData®