1. Check the possible causes and find out the solution!


    Possible Causes

    What You Can Do?

    Protein post-translationally modified or alternatively spliced

    Check if the protein of interest is post-translationally modified or alternatively spliced and produce other isoforms.

    Incomplete protein denaturation

    Freshly add DTT or β-Mercaptoethanol to sample buffer, or adequaltely boil samples to ensure complete bond breakage between peptides.

    Membrane protein issue

    If a membrane protein is to be detected, try low temperature (~65°C) or avoid boiling which might cause aggregation of membrane proteins.

  2. Check the possible causes and find out the solution!


    Possible Causes

    What You Can Do?

    Protein post-translationally modified or alternatively spliced

    Mix gel completely before pouring. If SDS-PAGE should be run the day after preparation, make sure that the gel is prepared at RT and store in moist chamber at 4°C. 

    Protein degradation

    Keep the voltage and temperature low while running SDS-PAGE. If necessary, run gel in the cold room. Remove bubbles trapped at the bottom of gel to ensure even electrophoresis.

    Protein Multimerization

    Make sure that the salt concentration of lysis buffer is kept between 0.15M to 0.5M.

    Antibody concentration too high

    Make sure that total amount of protein loaded into each well is between 20-50μg.

    Antibody issue

    Optimize the dilution factor of primary and secondary antibody.

    Interference from secondary antibody

    While performing Immunoprecippitaiotn (IP) experiment, make sure that the secondary antibody used to detect the protein of interest is derived from a species different from that of antibody used to pull down protein. Alternatively, use a secondary antibody that recognize only the native form of IgG to detect IP protein.

  3. Check the possible causes and find out the solution!


    Possible Causes

    What You Can Do?

    Reagent contaminated

    Prepare all reagents freshly.

    Blocking agent insufficiently dissolved

    Make sure that the blocking agent such as milk or BSA is completely dissolved before use. Alternatively, filter the blocking solution with 0.45μm filter before use.

  4. Check the possible causes and find out the solution!


    Possible Causes

    What You Can Do?

    Poor gel preparation

    Mix gel completely before pouring. If SDS-PAGE should be run the day after preparation, make sure that the gel is prepared at RT and store in moist chamber at 4°C. 

    Voltage, temperature too high, field effect

    Keep the voltage and temperature low while running SDS-PAGE. If necessary, run gel in the cold room. Remove bubbles trapped at the bottom of gel to ensure even electrophoresis.

    High salt concentration in samples

    Make sure that the salt concentration of lysis buffer is kept between 0.15M to 0.5M.

    Protein overloaded

    Make sure that total amount of protein loaded into each well is between 20-50μg.

    Antibody concentration too high

    Optimize the dilution factor of primary and secondary antibody.

  5. Check the possible causes and find out the solution!


    Possible Causes

    What You Can Do?

    Poor gel preparation

    Mix gel completely before pouring. If SDS-PAGE should be run the day after preparation, make sure that the gel is prepared at RT and stored in moist chamber at 4°C. 

    Protein overloaded

    Make sure that total amount of protein loaded into each well is between 20-50μg.

    High membrane protein concentration in samples

    If membrane fraction is used, make sure that sample is sufficiently diluted before loading into SDS-PAGE.

  6. Check the possible causes and find out the solution!


    Possible Causes

    What You Can Do?

    Antibody concentration too high

    Optimize the dilution factor of primary and secondary antibody.

    Insufficient washing

    Make sure that the blot is washed in sufficent washing buffer. Increase washing time or the percentage of Tween-20 if necessary.

    Insufficient blocking

    Make sure that the blot is sufficiently blocked. Increase the percentage of skimmed milk up to 5% if necessary.

    Improper blocking buffer used

    For the detection of phospho-proteins, use BSA instead of milk as blocking agent.

    Membrane dried out

    Make sure that the membrane is moist throughout the whole process of western blot.

  7. Check the possible causes and find out the solution!


    Possible Causes

    What You Can Do?

    Protein not expressed in the sample used

    Make sure that the protien of interest in sufficiently induced in the sample used. Fractionation might be necessary for some proteins expressed in particular organelles.

    Inadequate/incomplete transfer

    Be sure that the transfer is adequate, especially for high molecular weight proteins. Make sure that the transfer is complete by staining the membrane with Ponceau S solution or using a pre-stained marker as indicator.

    Antibody issue

    Make sure that primary antibody dilution and the incubation condition is optimal. Compatible secondary antibody should be used.

    Poor activity of ECL

    Prepare ECL solution freshly prior to detection.

    Sodium Azide interference

    Make sure that there is no Sodium Azide in the antibody dilution buffer. Wash the blot thoroughly before adding ECL.